(Not) Hitting the Ground Running

by Megan on April 9, 2011

We landed in Sydney around 6:30AM local time.  It was a rough flight – after I finished writing that last post, I proceeded to watch 4 episodes of Mad Men and finish a book on my Kindle.  About two hours before landing, the lack of sleep hit me hard.  Poor Danny had it much worse though.  I think that he mentioned something at one point about, “being open to the idea of death.”

After negotiating immigration, quarantine (there was an incident involving my gorillapod tripod and having to open my suitcase for the authorities) and finally retrieving our bags, we headed to the hotel, where our hotel was not yet ready.  We only had to wait about an hour and a half (very reasonable since check-in was not actually until 3pm) and, they gave us keys to the gym so we could shower (very necessary after that flight) – but, when our room was ready, I nearly hugged the receptionist with joy.

Sometime between leaving Wilmington and landing in Sydney, Danny has caught a nasty bug.  He posed for this picture:

However, I think that this one is actually more representative of how he feels:

Thus far, I have learned the following things about Australia:

  • When asking for directions to a place to procure cold medicine, it should always be referred to as a “pharmacy” instead of a “drug store.”
  • When patronizing said pharmacy, do not expect to find medicine you recognize like “Dayquil” or “Sinutab” (not sure why this surprised me – typical American behavior I suppose.

With Danny feeling like poop, going to find medicine has been the only sightseeing we have done thus far. This happened:

…and now my husband is full on passed out in the bed, hopped up on whatever the name of that medicine we bought was.

Tomorrow we leave for the place where we will be stationed for the next week. Hopefully this is a short lived thing and Danny will feel more like himself next week when he is working. I am also hoping that if I catch this crud, it happens sooner rather than later – I really want to be able to enjoy Sydney when we come back next weekend!

Til next time!

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