Return to Anguilla–The Crazy Dog Lady Arrives

by Megan on November 18, 2012

On Monday morning, we woke up to pretty crappy weather.  It was overcast and windy, making it kind of unpleasant to spent any quality time on the beach.  We decided that it was the perfect day to hop in our rental car and drive across the island to visit the AARF Animal Rescue.


After a few wrong turns, we finally arrived at the AARF building with a bag full of collars and leashes that we brought from home to donate.  Because I am totally a crazy dog person, I asked the volunteer working if there were any dogs that we could play with.


He lead us into the back and introduced me to Belle, a little puppy with a crazy personality.  I spent the better part of an hour letting her crawl all over me.  I had forgotten what those little puppy teeth feel like when they nibble on you.


I turned her over (begrudgingly) to Danny for awhile, but, for the most part I monopolized her time.  Before leaving AARF we bought a ton of things from their “gift shop” – it is safe for our family to assume that some of your Christmas presents this year are going to involve this wonderful animal rescue group!

After tearing ourselves away from the cute dogs, we headed back across the island.  On the way we stopped to fill the rental up with gas and got a bit of sticker shock as we realized just how expensive gas is on the island.


In an effort to help keep the wheels of Anguillan commerce turning we stopped at the grocery store and then at another shop to pick up a few more (non AARF related) souvenirs. 

When we returned to the resort, it was still way too windy to attempt hanging out at the beach.  We tried hanging out at the pool for awhile – but, decided to head back to the room and read on our patio instead.


Even though the weather was a bummer – any day that involves hanging out with puppies in Anguilla is still considered a winner in my book!

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Linda Coppede November 27, 2012 at 5:59 pm

Hi Grace, I am so happy that people like you have found Anguilla. My husband and I were just about your age when we first made the trip in the mid-90s. We travelled all over the world and once we set step on Anguilla, met the people and got caught up with the rhythm of the place, we too never wanted to be anywhere else. Do not give up on your dream to someday live here…my husband and I are finishing our home at Blackgarden Bay because we had the same dream you have now…and it has taken us almost 20 years to finally get have it become a reality.

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