HDTV for the Eyes

by Megan on December 6, 2012

I can’t remember how old I was when I got my first pair of glasses, but, I know that I have always hated wearing them. 


Because I am a HUGE wuss when it comes to all things related to medicine, I figured that Lasik would never happen for me.  The sight of blood makes me faint – so, how could I reasonably expect to make it through a procedure where they cut your eyes open and zap them with a laser?


Before my initial consultation, I spent a ton of time on the internet reading all kinds of “lasik gone wrong” horror stories.  If you are considering getting the procedure done, I highly recommend staying clear of the internet.  It will scare you to death.  Once my procedure was scheduled, I told Danny that if he caught me looking at anything lasik related on the internet, he had permission to smack me upside the head.

Bright and early on Monday we headed over to the doctors office and I prepared to get my eyes cut open with a laser and zapped.   I was absolutely terrified.  I can’t really describe what the procedure what like, but, it was was a trippy experience (and totally painless, just like the doctor promised). 


My recovery involved going home and taking a 4 hour nap before heading back into the doctor’s office for a post-op checkup.  I also got to wear these super cool goggles.


Less than 8 hours after the surgery, my vision was already reading 20/25 in my right eye and 20/20 in my left.

Everyone keeps asking me what it is like – and the only way I can describe it is to compare it with television.  I feel like I have HDTV in my eyes.  As someone who has dealt with shitty vision for a lifetime, this may be the best thing that I have ever done for myself.

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