June 2013 Roundup

by Megan on June 30, 2013

It has been over a month since I last checked in.  I figured that I better stop in and post an update before the month of June officially ends.

My busy season is well underway.  This means that the workdays are long and stressful.  Everyone in the office handles the stress in different ways. 


Danny and I did manage to sneak away for a quick trip to Greensboro at the beginning of the month.  The purpose of our trip was to head to High Point in search of new “grown up” furniture for our house. We managed to find everything on our list in a three hour whirlwind shopping session.  As we were in the middle of deciding on what would work best in our office, I got an urgent work call on my cellphone and spent about half an hour sitting in a corner of the furniture showroom discussing business.

When I got off the phone, Danny presented me with a drawing that put together while I was busy.


I could hardly believe that he had done this on his own.  It was equal parts amazing and hilarious.

Months after we got our front yard dug up for emergency plumbing, we finally put sod down.  Three cheers for no longer having the house that is the biggest eye sore in the neighborhood!


(Side note: It has rained an abnormal amount since we got the sod work done. While I am thankful that we haven’t had to run our sprinklers much, this weather is getting really old.)

We have been having some behavioral difficulties with Sherlock.  He has become super territorial of our house (and it has recently extended to the regular neighborhood loop that we walk).  It is a huge bummer because when we first adopted him, he was such a sweet, social dude.


(Sherlock would like to apologize in advance to anyone that stops by our house that he manages to scare with his surly attitude.  We are working on it.)

In an effort to nip this behavior, we have re-enrolled in obedience classes.  Our dog trainer suggested that we try something new when we are out on walks.  Thus, I am now sporting the most ridiculous set up ever anytime we are out in public.


Try not to hard to be jealous. 

It’s hard to believe that my summer busy season is half-way over.  I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel.


And, with that I will end this post.  Peace out June 2013. It’s been real, but, bring on the July 4th holiday.  I need a day off!

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