Gracie’s ACL Recovery – Week 2

by Megan on September 10, 2013

Today marks the two week anniversary of Gracie’s surgery. She got her stitches removed today which was a huge relief as it is one less thing that we don’t have to worry about anymore.

We had a bit of a scare last Friday. After our therapy session we came home and I let her on the sofa with me to chill out and relax for a bit. I should have known better – especially since the yard people were in our neighborhood mowing. Before I had a chance to secure her beside me, she heard the lawn mowers and bolted off the sofa like a shot. The thing that had me concerned was that she twisted kind of funny when she landed – to say that I was totally freaking out about a re-injury would be an understatement. I sent Danny a panicked email and felt like I was going to vomit.

Thankfully, everything turned out fine. At therapy today everyone said that she is doing great and no harm was done. Gracie’s days of hanging on the sofa with me are done until this recovery process is complete.

On Saturday we headed out to Petco and bought an exercise pen for the living room. At first Gracie was not super happy with this development. I snapped this picture with my phone after she spent the better part of 15 minutes telling me all about how much she hated it.


After about an hour, she started really digging the freedom that the pen allowed. It was glorious! We were no longer tied to her leash and she had more space to stretch out and be a little more independent. I knew that the pen was going to work out when I came out of the office and saw her completely chilled out.

Occasionally, I get invited to visit Gracie in her “house”. In fact, the whole exercise experiment is going so well that we ordered a second one. When it comes in, we plan to join the two together to make an extra large space for Gracie. (As a side note, I am really glad that we saved the carpet that we pulled out of the office earlier this year to make way for the hardwood floors.)

The other big week 2 development is that as of yesterday, Gracie is off of the disabled list and is back at work with me. Since she cannot walk up the stairs yet, I have been carrying all 43 pounds of her up and down the 22 steps (I counted today) so that she can hang in the office with me. I hope that she does not get used to this princess treatment, because as soon as the doctor clears her for stairs, she is walking them again.

I am super glad to have my security director back with me – even if she is operating at a lower capacity. The office felt so lonely without her in it last week.
Therapy is still going well. We have our trial on the underwater treadmill on Friday. I have no idea how much Gracie is going to like it, but, hopefully it will help her out with some of this restlessness. I think that she is starting to go a bit stir crazy!

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