Gracie’s ACL Recovery – Weeks 7 and 8

by Megan on October 27, 2013

I am a bit behind on these updates. We have officially surpassed the 8 week recovery period which is the time that requires the most limited activity. Our check up with the vet last Monday went well. He confirmed that everything looked good and gave us the go ahead to start gradually giving her back some freedom.


After the appointment, Gracie was lobbying pretty hard to get out of her exercise pen – I finally gave in and let her reclaim “her” chair. I lifted her onto it and snapped this picture because she was so happy that it was kind of hilarious. When I tried to get her off of the chair so that we could eat dinner she threw a fit and it was kind of like trying to wrestle an alligator.

Backing up to Week 7, we had a big scare when she started limping really badly on her surgical leg after hopping off of a curb on our evening walk. Once we got home she was holding the leg really weird and (in my non educated opinion) it didn’t feel right when I was going through the range of motion exercises. I was sure that she had torn the implant and made myself sick worrying about it. The next morning I called our therapist and took Gracie over to the rehab center for a quick evaluation. She was fine, but, it made for a super stressful evening!

When Gracie was first diagnosed with the torn ACL this is the week that we had circled on our calendar. Now that we are here, I am relieved that we made it this far without any major setbacks. I think that we still have a ways to go before we will let her have free run of the house (especially unsupervised), but, it does feel nice to lift some of the restrictions.

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