Veggie Experiment – Afterthoughts

by Megan on January 25, 2010

My experiment into vegetarianism ended today when Danny and I made a trip to Flaming Amy’s for dinner.  I had a taco platter with fajita steak and it was pretty damn good.  I might could have stretched the experiment out another day, but, our dishwasher is currently in a state of disrepair (the guy came to fix it today and broke it more in the process – hopefully he will get it fixed tomorrow) and I could not really get motivated to dirty up any more dishes, so, off to Flaming Amy’s we went.

Looking back, I do have a few thoughts on the experiment.  It really was not that hard for me to go meatless (except for a few seafood items) in terms of craving meat or feeling like I was missing something.  The thing was, it seemed like I was hungry ALL. THE. TIME.  At the time, I thought was eating pretty balanced meals, but, looking back I obviously wasn’t, because otherwise I would not have been so hungry.  If I do the experiment again, I will probably do a bit more research to see if I can nip that hunger thing in the bud.

It seemed like I was tired a lot as well.  This probably was because it is basketball season and I am constantly staying up past my bedtime (of 10:30 because I am O-L-D) to watch games.  Plus, Danny was gone a few days and it was my first time staying in the new place by myself.  All of those “house noises” can be a little creepy when you aren’t used to them yet.  One night the heat kicked on at about 3AM (the unit is right beside our bedroom window) and it scared the crap out of me and I had trouble falling back asleep.  So, maybe if I do this again I will also not choose a week that I am hanging out by myself at night.

I would like to maybe give the experiment a try again sometime in the summer.  I love all of the fresh vegetables and think that it would be a lot easier to do something like this once we buy a grill and have access to that.  Since Danny and I do eat such different types of food, it is really hard for me to get excited about fixing two totally separate meals.  I think that a grill (which he will hopefully learn to use) would really go a long ways towards fixing this problem.

I do not plan to ever go totally meatless for good – but, it would be nice to change my lifestyle a little bit to include more seasonal vegetables, fruits and try some new things.  This is something that I am interested in doing sooner rather than later – and trying vegetarianism for a week really proved to me that I do not need to center all of my meals solely around meat. 

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